I am a little longer in the tooth than David (shown at right in a 1971 photo), a fellow member of Bay Area Travel Writers. And while I still own a sleeping bag and love to spend time day-hiking in California’s mountains, my old bones prefer bunking in a bed with a real mattress, safe inside a structure that isn’t going to blow down on top of me in a late-night thunderstorm.
The book’s publisher, The Countryman Press, says that it “is not a guide to the backcountry… but to the spectacular roads, towns and scenic wonders along its edge, with detailed reviews of accommodations, dining, recreational activities, guides, outfitters, provisions, campsites, trailheads, and the many points of historical and cultural interest along the way.” In short, it is just the kind of guidebook that should appeal to Baby Boomer “Mountain Men” like myself who want “creature comforts” to go along with scenic wonders.
Making Mountains Out of Molehills
The first chapter briefly covers the geologic Rise and Fall of the region, with Mt. Whitney towering nearly 15,000’ above, and Death Valley’s Badwater sinking to nearly 300’ below, sea level. Then Page moves on to human history, starting with the arrival of indigenous people 10,000 years or more ago, to the uptick in
Direction Finding
“Into The Hills” tells you how to Get There From Here, whether by plane, train, or vehicle—important information to know since unlike California’s metropolitan areas, getting into, around, and over the Sierra Nevada range is not so easy. The chapter includes some nifty historical photos, such as one of the Badger Pass Ski Lodge poking its nose out of huge snow drifts in the winter of 1969, a Greyhound bus at the Yosemite Valley viewpoint near the Wawona Tunnel in 1932, and a sea of cars parked in plain sight of Half Dome in a photo captioned “Pave It and Paint in Green, Yosemite National Park in the mid-1960s.”
A Place to Die For
Death Valley probably sounds like the last place on earth you’d want to hang out, but Americans as well as foreign visitors who put high it on their “must-see” lists of U.S. destinations would find that An Explorers Guide: Yosemite & the Southern Sierra Nevada includes comprehensive information on California’s great desert national park. While I expected to find details on lodging, dining, and “What-To-See-And-Do”, I was surprised to discover a recipe for a “Scorpion Cocktail” which—since it doesn’t require actually capturing and using the body parts of one of those nasty litter critters—I can mix up and serve to guests at my next dinner party at home. Page has thoughtfully added lists of other books and maps to supplement his 45-page chapter. There is also a recap of movies shot on location in Death Valley including some whose stories are set in galaxies far, far away: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, the 2001 re-make of Planet of the Apes, and two of the Star Wars flicks.
People In High Places
Mammoth and Mono
Off The Beaten National Park Path
But before ending his guidebook in California’s first and best-known national park, Page heads to the southern western side of the Sierra to layout visits to two lesser-known, but majestic-in-their-own-right parks, Sequoia and Kings Canyon. As he has in other chapters, he provides a brief history of the parks, including John Muir’s take on the area when he came there in 1875, and practical information on transportation, lodging and recreation. But what got my attention was the section entitled “Kernville and The Great Western Divide Highway”: What’s that? Never heard of it, never been there, must check it out, in person.
Valley Boy
As John Muir once said, "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn." If he was still tramping around in his Range of Light, Muir would undoubtedly have a copy of An Explorers Guide: Yosemite & the Southern Sierra Nevada tucked away in his rucksack
Dick thanks David T. Page and The Countryman Press for providing him with a complimentary review copy of An Explorers Guide: Yosemite & the Southern Sierra Nevada. Dick has visited every region mentioned in the book. He met his wife at Yosemite National Park in 1968; they honeymooned there 40 years ago.
When Dick isn’t traveling, you can usually find him hanging out with other members of Left Coast Writers at the Book Passage Corte Madera store on the evening of the first Monday of each month.)
1 comment:
Sounds like a very useful must have guide.
I will check it out.
Linda Ballou
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